

International bilingual education institution




Knight CRM


Competition in the education industry is becoming fiercer with companies increasing their marketing budgets in order to increase the scale of customer acquisition. However, how can they improve their conversion rate, something which has become a common pain point within the sector.

Pain points

1. With the rise of social media, education companies' marketing channels have become more diverse and decentralized. Traditional student source management methods have been unable to cope with the intricate sources of leads. Furthermore, they cannot effectively track the effects or ROI of the various channels.

2. Most leads are not followed up in time with less than half of the potential leads being contacted by marketing or sales staff. The average response time to sales leads is more than 48 hours. Such a lag in response is proving unacceptable in an age where consumer's require a quick response as their time becomes increasingly fragmented.

3. For those leads that are responded to, the traditional phone call method is often used. Potential customers tend not to receive a targeted callbackThe content of the call-back leaving them disappointed.

4. The evaluation of the quality of leads completely depends on the subjective judgment of sales. There is no evaluation standard to identify what is a good lead and what is a bad lead, and as such, there is no data support for improving marketing or sales processes.


1. Build a unified customer data management platform that integrates social media, forms, marketing activities, customer service and other sources of customer information, and which is able totrack source channels.

2. Expand the forms of content marketing. For example, in addition to WeChat articles and texts, promote course demo lessons, live lectures and other forms of content in order to incubate leads. During the marketing process,we constantly enrich the dimensions of customer data, trackuser behavior and create tags. This approach empowers sales and gives them the information that they need to better understand user requirements and concerns when they followup potential customers.

3. Build an automated lead scoring mechanism that clearly defines scoring rules based on customer attributes (explicit scoring) and behaviors (implicit scoring) in order to objectively value leads. Thereafter, valuable leads can be prioritized and followed up with a sense of urgency.

4. Incorporate a data management and optimized leads management mechanism that can help companies to locate problems faster and more accurately and predict the sales process better, leading to improved overall performance.

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B2B行业案例 客户 国际顶尖制造业品牌 时间 2019 作者 Knight CRM 行业背景 B2B行业通常面临着用户基数小,交易决策周期长,从线索到真正交易需要通过更多营销动作推动。因此,如何在现有的营销投入的基础上提升营销部门产生更多高质量的营销合格线索(MQL),成为当前B2B企业急需解决的课题。 行业痛点 1. 获客渠道分散,各渠道数据的获取无法统一管理。