

A gobal diamond jewellery brand




Knight CRM


Social media is becoming the main battlefield for digital marketing by luxury brands with more and more luxury brands beginnig to focus on localized content marketing, membership services and customization in an effort to stay closer to consumers.

Pain points

1. Lack of effective and deep interaction between brands and consumers. Pushing content indifferently will not generate the desired conversion rate.

2. Lack of a customer data management system has led to the fragmentation of online and offline customer data.

3. The establishment of a membership system and the accumulation of points cannot bring high-value, high-loyalty members unless the members are effectively engaged and encouraged to remain active.



1. Seamlessly connect online and offline services. Equip stores with large interactive screens for the purpose of product display, trying-on items and social sharing. Consumers could follow a WeChat service account and mini programs at the same time to build the important online connection.

2. Use a shop sales application to establish a communication bridge between shop sales and consumers. Luxury brands can train shop sales on how to maintain customer relationships at the same time as using automated marketing tools to capture customer behaviors and assigning marketing tasks to related sales.

3. Collate online and offline customer data into a unified customer data platform to form a 360° customer profile.

4. After developing comprehensive customer profiles, tailor the marketing content to suit the taste of different customer segments or tags in order to increase customer activity.

5. Provide exclusive member services such as customization, maintenance/repair, trying on in-store to brand members through WeChat mini-programs to enhance customer experience at the same time as directing members to offline stores and improving the rate of sotre deal conversion.

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Marketing automation





授人以鱼不如授人以渔,我们坚信知识需要传递才有力量,只有分享才能共享,只有共享才能共赢。Knight作为一款专为To B市场人打造的营销系统的厂商,我们的使命不仅是帮助市场部带来能解决精细化运营问题的软件,我们更希望通过我们构建的数字营销生态圈让更多的市场人了解智能营销,了解营销自动化,才能搭建出最适合中国本土企业、尤其是中小企业的营销系统。